A 3d rendering of many cubes like Minecraft.

MTU Projects


I worked at Michigan Technological University's - University Marketing and Commutations (UMC) department for three or so years as a web programmer and media specialist. The department handled the creation and styling of all university's websites and social media. Here you will find a list of some of the projects that I worked on.

Front Facing Projects

These are some projects that I worked on that are available to the general public to view.

Mind Trekker Demonstrations Sorter


This is a tool for teachers and students to easily search through the MTU's organization Mind Trekkers demonstrations.

All of the data for the demonstrations are stored in a google sheet. I wrote a PHP script the uses the google sheet API to pull the data and transform it into HTML.

The live search uses jQuery to filter through the results. There are data tags stored on each demonstration accordion that the scripts check.

The script uses fuzzy search to improve results when searching for a project by a name.

This was a cool project to work on simply because I volunteered before for Mind Trekkers several times.



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Research Project Sorter


This is a tool that makes it easy to see what projects are being worked on currently for different departments. The tool exist for several departments and for each one it pull for the needed databases.

The hardest part when building this tool was creating the complex MySQL queries to pull data from different tables and databases and combine them together.



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Campus Directory


This is a tool to search for active students and faculty. It allows you to add multiple search conditions.

I was tasked with completely rebuilding this tool. It uses jQuery for the front end and PHP script that connects with the needed databases to get the data.



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Mentions Page


This is page that shows all the news article that Michigan Technological University was mentioned in.

I created the script that pulls from the databases and generates all the links to the articles and I created the pagination.



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Back Facing Projects

This are projects that I worked that were either for the site's backend or for the site's CMS.

Site Export And Move


When I first started for UMC they were using Rythmx which was an older Java-based CMS. I was tasked to find a way to export all the sites into files that OU Campus could read. So, I made this script that takes a site map and grabs all the necessary data and produces a copy of the site that can be simply uploaded to OU Campus.

Within about a month I was able to make the tool and help them export over 125 websites to the new CMS.


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Image Crop Gadget


For Michigan Technological University we had a custom built image crop and store tool that I had to rebuild when we moved to the new CMS.

This gadget uploads an image and creates all the different sized versions that the CMS needs.

It uses JavaScript for the crop tool and so on. All the data is then sent to a PHP script which actually crops and stores the image.

There tool also stores which image sizes already exist for image in a database. It also holds onto sessions so if you leave and comeback you can start right where you were at.


This is what the gadget looks like in the CMS.

No alt provided.


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Publish All Content Types Gadget


This is another gadget for OU Campus that I built. It allows you to publish out all files of a specific type.


This is what the gadget looks like in the CMS.

No alt provided.


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Image Crop Script


This is a script that I made that crops images for mobile source sets.


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