Dream Space Infinite
Dream Space Infinite is a practically infinite, dream-like voxel world that you can explore in your browser. It is a project I built using the Divine Voxel Engine to thoroughly test the engine's capabilities and identify potential bottlenecks in developing a game of this nature.
The game is not yet complete, but it boasts a multitude of cool features. For example, it features structures that generate around the world, which
are procedurally generated using a wave function collapse algorithm.
Additionally, there is a spell crafting system. You can craft spells to perform various actions, such as creating a line of voxels from one spot to another or removing large sections of the world. There is significant potential in this feature.
You can craft spells and perform different actions at various types of altars, which you must craft. You can find these altars, though unactivated, in temples. Once you activate an altar, it will transform from a metal outline into a set of solid voxels.
This game continues to exist within Crystalline Bliss, as Crystalline Bliss is essentially set inside the world of Dream Space Infinite. I may update this game one day, but currently, I think it is too similar to Minecraft for me to consider continuing with it seriously. Perhaps I will find a more innovative approach to take with it in the future.
Technology Used
- TypeScript
- Babylon.Js
- WebPac
Screen Shots